Friday, July 22, 2011

Let the cruise commence...

Quote of the day: “Norway is such a hard country to read the signs. Nothing makes sense. And then I got stung 20 euro for a cup of coffee, or whatever it was in their funny money”.

Yeah! I’m finally aboard the Dawn Princess!

Yesterday I awoke to a lovely morning, and after breakfast, I took the opportunity to walk around the edge of the harbour to check out the Bergen Castle. This was built primarily for defensive purposes, and only occupied by royalty for a short period of time. It’s not as grand as some of the other castles in Europe, but an interesting place to visit. I loved the fact that it was open all day, free to wander around the grounds and main buildings, no security screening, no lines of tourists, and you could walk on the grass! There ware no major health and safety dramas either – I loved the fact that the edges of the ramparts were just sheer drops, with just the occasional sign saying “High ramparts. Please take care”. How refreshing!

Late morning, we checked out of the hotel and took a taxi to the port. And what a relief that the Dawn Princess was there waiting for us. OK, so they didn’t exactly put the red carpet out for us, and our key cards didn’t work properly, but at least there was a sweet lady from the Purser’s office to greet us.

I’m delighted with my cabin. It’s up near the bow (that’s the pointy end in cast you’re wondering), well away from the engines, and blissfully quiet, even though it’s on the lowest passenger deck. My cabin steward is a cheerful fellow call Sumee. At least I assume that’s his name, and not a statement of his attitude should I wish to complain about anything!
My good mate BJ

So at long last I was able to let BJ out of the suitcase and stick him on to one of the mirrors. If you are new to my blog, then I should explain that BJ is a Gibraltar Ape, and my travel companion when I travel alone. Sad, I know, and I’m sure Sumee is convinced he’s got a nutter on board, but sometimes it’s just nice to have someone along to talk to…

Today was a day to catch my breath: do coffee (twice), go to the gym, finish unpacking, check out Trivia etc. We now have three port days in a row, so a busy time. An early start in the morning - I think an early night is called for.

1 comment:

  1. Having just returned from a couple of weeks in Norway, I hear you on the cost of a cup of coffee!
